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THE DIPLOMAT (Starring Keri Russell)




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THE DIPLOMAT (Starring Keri Russell)

Kate Wyler (Keri Russell) is the new US Ambassador to the United Kingdom. She was supposed to go to Afghanistan. She’s great in a crisis zone. In a historic home… less so. War is brewing on one continent and boiling over on another. Kate will have to diffuse international crises, forge strategic alliances in London, and adjust to her new place in the spotlight — all while trying to survive her marriage to fellow career diplomat and political star Hal Wyler (Rufus Sewell). From showrunner Debora Cahn (THE WEST WING, HOMELAND), THE DIPLOMAT is a high-stakes, contemporary political drama about the transcendence and torture of long-term relationships, between countries and people. Also starring David Gyasi, Ali Ahn, Rory Kinnear, and Ato Essandoh, with executive producers Debora Cahn, Janice Williams, and Keri Russell.

Date and Time

  • Tuesday, April 18, 2023
  • 7:00pm
  • (Have your pass ready to show at the door)


  • The Paris Theatre
  • 4 W. 58th St.
  • New York, NY 10019


Keri Russell, Rufus Sewell, David Gyasi, Ali Ahn, Rory Kinnear, and Ato Essandoh



Release Date

April 20, 2023

Screening Partner

Special Instructions

This event is the NY Premiere for the show.


Please note: Our screenings are overbooked to ensure a full house. Seating is given out on a first come first served basis until capacity is reached and is not guaranteed. Attendees will start being let in around 6:00pm. Netflix has the right to turn anyone away. The Gofobo line is outside, so please plan to dress accordingly.

Kate Wyler (Keri Russell) is the new US Ambassador to the United Kingdom. She was supposed to go to Afghanistan. She’s great in a crisis zone. In a historic home… less so. War is brewing on one continent and boiling over on another. Kate will have to diffuse international crises, forge strategic alliances in London, and adjust to her new place in the spotlight — all while trying to survive her marriage to fellow career diplomat and political star Hal Wyler (Rufus Sewell). From showrunner Debora Cahn (THE WEST WING, HOMELAND), THE DIPLOMAT is a high-stakes, contemporary political drama about the transcendence and torture of long-term relationships, between countries and people. Also starring David Gyasi, Ali Ahn, Rory Kinnear, and Ato Essandoh, with executive producers Debora Cahn, Janice Williams, and Keri Russell.

Date and Time

  • Tuesday, April 18, 2023
  • 7:00pm
  • (Have your pass ready to show at the door)


  • The Paris Theatre
  • 4 W. 58th St.
  • New York, NY 10019


Keri Russell, Rufus Sewell, David Gyasi, Ali Ahn, Rory Kinnear, and Ato Essandoh



Release Date

April 20, 2023

Screening Partner

Special Instructions

This event is the NY Premiere for the show.


Please note: Our screenings are overbooked to ensure a full house. Seating is given out on a first come first served basis until capacity is reached and is not guaranteed. Attendees will start being let in around 6:00pm. Netflix has the right to turn anyone away. The Gofobo line is outside, so please plan to dress accordingly.

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