BLACK AND BLUE - Verified Movie Ratings |Real Movie Reviews You Can Trust




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Verified Movie Rating


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Unlike other movie websites, we verify users that have actually attended a screening or event by scanning their tickets at the event before collecting their feedback and experience. This verification process provides people with real and honest insights on movies and entertainment related events. Helping you and your friends make informed decisions about upcoming movies and events.

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Participating in Gofobo's Verified Movie Ratings is easy. Once you are a member, attend one of our many screenings via local promotions. After each screening, once your screening passes have been scanned by an authorized representative, an email will be sent to you after the screening/event. Please make sure to fill out the form and publish your feedback on Be sure to also share with your friends.

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The following screenings or events is currently in the process of verifying movie ratings. Meaning, the screening or event has either not been completed or attendees have not been verified yet for authenticity. Once they have been verified and approved on our end, the movie ratings will be posted. Thank you for your patience.


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What is a Verified Movie Rating?

Read Ratings and Comments

98%   Fans Recommend

Movie Details

Verified Movie Ratings



Release Date

October 25, 2019


BLACK AND BLUE is a fast-paced action thriller about a rookie cop (Naomie Harris) who inadvertently captures the murder of a young drug dealer on her body cam. After realizing that the murder was committed by corrupt cops, she teams up with the one person from her community who is willing to help her (Tyrese Gibson) as she tries to escape both the criminals out for revenge and the police who are desperate to destroy the incriminating footage.

How To Provide a Rating?

How To Provide a Rating?

Shekiah S.

July 18, 2019



The was an excellent film full of action suspense and we reality of what is going on in our society today. The cast of this movie did an exceptional job depicting the black race and our law-enforcement

Patricia W.

July 18, 2019



Great movie depicting real life events across America with police officials and civilians. I was able to view the difficulties of officer from their lenses and fron the lenses of people. Wow such a raw, profound. emotional performance from cast members. Good cops, crooked cops, good civilians and evil civilians. This film will definitely shine light on the troubles of our inner cities across the map. Thank you for the experience

Charisma L.

July 18, 2019



This film was a fresh perspective and one that many African American police officers actually face on the day to day basis. It’s a classic story of a good apple amongst many bad apples, just trying to make a difference— even if it’s a small one. I was on the edge of my seat the entire movie and will be going to see it again when it comes out.

Jeremy R.

July 18, 2019



It's a great film with tons of suspense. Reminds me of Training Day but for a modern audience. It didn't shy away from depicting some cops as corrupt murderers who are beyond the law. Events played out realistically and there were some pretty funny moments. The only thing I disliked was the way Black residents were portrayed. They all lived in poor run-down buildings and seemed to have nothing going for them. In addition, some characters were not developed enough like Mike Coulter's.

Latavia G.

September 21, 2019



I LOVED this screening. The movie was amazing. But having the actual cast there and their Q&A afterwards was fantastic. They were so real. This movie deals with today’s real life issues regarding the black community and the police. I’m actually going to see it again when it comes out. I 100% support Tyrese, Nafessa Williams, and Naomie Harris. Please have more of these.

Scharmell R.

September 21, 2019



Although it's jam packed with action, the story is clear and true to the times. For those reasons and more it's a must see. I will be.

Fontaine L.

July 18, 2019



Movie was an excellent one of the best Ive seen this year. I can't wait to see it again.

neema n.

July 17, 2019



Action packed, and incredibly suspenseful. Seriously tries to cover the issues facing our communities as well as our government servants.This movie has something for everyone!

Shekiah S.

July 18, 2019



The was an excellent film full of action suspense and we reality of what is going on in our society today. The cast of this movie did an exceptional job depicting the black race and our law-enforcement

Charisma L.

July 18, 2019



This film was a fresh perspective and one that many African American police officers actually face on the day to day basis. It’s a classic story of a good apple amongst many bad apples, just trying to make a difference— even if it’s a small one. I was on the edge of my seat the entire movie and will be going to see it again when it comes out.

Latavia G.

September 21, 2019



I LOVED this screening. The movie was amazing. But having the actual cast there and their Q&A afterwards was fantastic. They were so real. This movie deals with today’s real life issues regarding the black community and the police. I’m actually going to see it again when it comes out. I 100% support Tyrese, Nafessa Williams, and Naomie Harris. Please have more of these.

Fontaine L.

July 18, 2019



Movie was an excellent one of the best Ive seen this year. I can't wait to see it again.

Patricia W.

July 18, 2019



Great movie depicting real life events across America with police officials and civilians. I was able to view the difficulties of officer from their lenses and fron the lenses of people. Wow such a raw, profound. emotional performance from cast members. Good cops, crooked cops, good civilians and evil civilians. This film will definitely shine light on the troubles of our inner cities across the map. Thank you for the experience

Jeremy R.

July 18, 2019



It's a great film with tons of suspense. Reminds me of Training Day but for a modern audience. It didn't shy away from depicting some cops as corrupt murderers who are beyond the law. Events played out realistically and there were some pretty funny moments. The only thing I disliked was the way Black residents were portrayed. They all lived in poor run-down buildings and seemed to have nothing going for them. In addition, some characters were not developed enough like Mike Coulter's.

Scharmell R.

September 21, 2019



Although it's jam packed with action, the story is clear and true to the times. For those reasons and more it's a must see. I will be.

neema n.

July 17, 2019



Action packed, and incredibly suspenseful. Seriously tries to cover the issues facing our communities as well as our government servants.This movie has something for everyone!


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