801 Verified MOvie Ratings
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Unlike other movie websites, we verify users that have actually attended a screening or event by scanning their tickets at the event before collecting their feedback and experience. This verification process provides people with real and honest insights on movies and entertainment related events. Helping you and your friends make informed decisions about upcoming movies and events.
Participating in Gofobo's Verified Movie Ratings is easy. Once you are a member, attend one of our many screenings via local promotions. After each screening, once your screening passes have been scanned by an authorized representative, an email will be sent to you after the screening/event. Please make sure to fill out the form and publish your feedback on Be sure to also share with your friends.
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Participating in Gofobo's Verified Movie Ratings is easy. Once you are a member, attend one of our many screenings via local promotions. After each screening, once your screening passes have been scanned by an authorized representative, an email will be sent to you after the screening/event. Please make sure to fill out the form and publish your feedback on Be sure to also share with your friends.
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The following screenings or events is currently in the process of verifying movie ratings. Meaning, the screening or event has either not been completed or attendees have not been verified yet for authenticity. Once they have been verified and approved on our end, the movie ratings will be posted. Thank you for your patience.
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What is a Verified Movie Rating?
93% Fans Recommend
Movie Details
Verified Movie Ratings
US: PG-13
February 13, 2019
New York City architect Natalie works hard to get noticed at her job but is more likely to be asked to deliver coffee and bagels than to design the city’s next skyscraper. And if things weren’t bad enough, Natalie, a lifelong cynic when it comes to love, has an encounter with a mugger that renders her unconscious, waking to discover that her life has suddenly become her worst nightmare—a romantic comedy—and she is the leading lady.
How To Provide a Rating?
How To Provide a Rating?
Sweet, funny, adorable and romantic. Just what a romantic comedy should be. Lots of awww moments along with laugh out loud moments. Rebel Wilson and Adam Devine are great together. Got to admit, it may be more of a chick flick than a guy movie. But most rom-coms are.
It is the greatest comedy I have watched for the last time! Very funny! Liked it very very much! Thank you for that!!!
Love this film! I know I was told it wasn't ready, but I would totally pay to see it just the way it is. The cast has great chemistry. Predictable as to who would end up together before a romantic interest was brought in to play. Cute the way the story was told though. #Amy&BumperFovever; lol
It was a great love yourself b4 u can love another film, funny and straight to the ❤.
Poking a little bit of fun a the RomCom was not what I expected! Very funny.
Sooooo good!
great story
I love that the imganination was captured perfectly of what anyone would really want in life it was fun and awesome ...great movie!
Sweet, funny, adorable and romantic. Just what a romantic comedy should be. Lots of awww moments along with laugh out loud moments. Rebel Wilson and Adam Devine are great together. Got to admit, it may be more of a chick flick than a guy movie. But most rom-coms are.
Love this film! I know I was told it wasn't ready, but I would totally pay to see it just the way it is. The cast has great chemistry. Predictable as to who would end up together before a romantic interest was brought in to play. Cute the way the story was told though. #Amy&BumperFovever; lol
Poking a little bit of fun a the RomCom was not what I expected! Very funny.
great story
It is the greatest comedy I have watched for the last time! Very funny! Liked it very very much! Thank you for that!!!
It was a great love yourself b4 u can love another film, funny and straight to the ❤.
Sooooo good!
I love that the imganination was captured perfectly of what anyone would really want in life it was fun and awesome ...great movie!
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