Set in an alternate present-day where humans, orcs, elves and fairies have been coexisting since the beginning of time, this action-thriller follows two cops with very different backgrounds (Ward, a human played by Will Smith, and Jakoby, an “orc” played by Joel Edgerton) who embark on a routine patrol night and will ultimately alter the future as their world knows it. Battling both their own personal differences as well as an onslaught of enemies, they must work together to protect an innocent child and a thought-to-be-forgotten relic which in the wrong hands, could destroy everything.
This film is not yet rated, 17+
December 22, 2017
US: This film is not yet rated
CA: Subject to Classification
Will Smith, Joel Edgerton, Noomi Rapace, Lucy Fry, Edgar Ramirez, Ike Barinholtz
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This adrenaline-rush, action-packed film is just what I needed to end 2017. What a rush and it was right from the beginning! The fight sequences, the action, the comedy, the pacing of the film, the editing, the make-up/costumes, the storyline, the VFX and more. Just an overall refreshing film. Finally something different but with a great message. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
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