The story of five orphaned baby Vervet monkeys, this touching documentary follows the monkeys’ time at the Vervet Monkey Foundation in South Africa. Volunteers help train the babies - who arrive as helpless infants - for possible adoption by foster mother monkeys. This film also looks at why monkey habitat is being destroyed and how we can take positive action. Preceded by four shorts FISH, AMPERSAND, THE BLOCK and CALM, QUIET STRENGTH
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Find Local ScreeningsThe story of five orphaned baby Vervet monkeys, this touching documentary follows the monkeys’ time at the Vervet Monkey Foundation in South Africa. Volunteers help train the babies - who arrive as helpless infants - for possible adoption by foster mother monkeys. This film also looks at why monkey habitat is being destroyed and how we can take positive action. Preceded by four shorts FISH, AMPERSAND, THE BLOCK and CALM, QUIET STRENGTH
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