Set in the stately and majestic colonial city of San Miguel de Allende, this quirky comedy starring Héctor Bonilla, Benny Ibarra de Llano, Jacqueline Bracamontes and Sergio Mayer Mori, follows 85-year old Don Servando Villegas (Héctor Bonilla,) an old fashioned Mexican patriarch who gets kicked out of his retirement home for bad behavior. When his estranged son, Francisco (Benny Ibarra de Llano) is forced to take him into the house full of hippies he shares with his girlfriend and young son. “New age” collides with old age as Don Servando and his son Francisco experience a series of conflicts and situations that puts their home’s stability in jeopardy. Un Padre No Tan Padre is a story about family: the one we’re born into and the one we create along the way.
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Find Local ScreeningsSet in the stately and majestic colonial city of San Miguel de Allende, this quirky comedy starring Héctor Bonilla, Benny Ibarra de Llano, Jacqueline Bracamontes and Sergio Mayer Mori, follows 85-year old Don Servando Villegas (Héctor Bonilla,) an old fashioned Mexican patriarch who gets kicked out of his retirement home for bad behavior. When his estranged son, Francisco (Benny Ibarra de Llano) is forced to take him into the house full of hippies he shares with his girlfriend and young son. “New age” collides with old age as Don Servando and his son Francisco experience a series of conflicts and situations that puts their home’s stability in jeopardy. Un Padre No Tan Padre is a story about family: the one we’re born into and the one we create along the way.
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