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AUDREY’S CHILDREN | Local Screening


Release Date

  • March 28, 2025


  • US: PG
    CA: Subject to Classification
    SPAIN: G
    UK: U

Release Date

  • March 28, 2025


  • N/A


Brilliant, British, and bold oncologist, Dr. Audrey Evans, bursts into Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in 1969 as the first female chief of pediatric oncology. She sneaks animals into hospital rooms, bends rules to pursue her research, and discovers a controversial new treatment method that she acts on without following protocols. Racing against the clock, Audrey enlists her by-the-book colleague, Dr. Dan D’Angio, to help turn her hypothesis into something that never existed… A groundbreaking staging system that, if correct, would forever change the treatment of the deadliest solid tumor in pediatric cancer. Simultaneously, when families are cutting treatments short because they can’t afford to stay, she creates a home-away-from-home, free of charge – the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Over the course of the film, Audrey’s rule-breaking antics cause her to lose her job and jeopardize everything. Yet, with an unbreakable spirit, Audrey goes on to change the lives of millions around the world.



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Brilliant, British, and bold oncologist, Dr. Audrey Evans, bursts into Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in 1969 as the first female chief of pediatric oncology. She sneaks animals into hospital rooms, bends rules to pursue her research, and discovers a controversial new treatment method that she acts on without following protocols. Racing against the clock, Audrey enlists her by-the-book colleague, Dr. Dan D’Angio, to help turn her hypothesis into something that never existed… A groundbreaking staging system that, if correct, would forever change the treatment of the deadliest solid tumor in pediatric cancer. Simultaneously, when families are cutting treatments short because they can’t afford to stay, she creates a home-away-from-home, free of charge – the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Over the course of the film, Audrey’s rule-breaking antics cause her to lose her job and jeopardize everything. Yet, with an unbreakable spirit, Audrey goes on to change the lives of millions around the world.

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