In this workplace comedy reminiscent of Office Space and “Severance,” misfit Orson finds himself trapped in the absurdities of corporate life. As The Authority’s newest employee, Orson finds it difficult to connect with his enigmatic desk mate, Rakesh (Danny Pudi), as well as with the rest of his colleagues. His alienation deepens when he discovers a room he’s told doesn’t exist – a place that unleashes his true potential, leading to an ascent up the corporate ladder. Buoyed by his newfound confidence, Orson invites a receptionist into his sanctuary, sparking a climactic clash between the corporate world’s harsh realities and his own wild fantasies
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Find Local Screenings Buy TicketsIn this workplace comedy reminiscent of Office Space and “Severance,” misfit Orson finds himself trapped in the absurdities of corporate life. As The Authority’s newest employee, Orson finds it difficult to connect with his enigmatic desk mate, Rakesh (Danny Pudi), as well as with the rest of his colleagues. His alienation deepens when he discovers a room he’s told doesn’t exist – a place that unleashes his true potential, leading to an ascent up the corporate ladder. Buoyed by his newfound confidence, Orson invites a receptionist into his sanctuary, sparking a climactic clash between the corporate world’s harsh realities and his own wild fantasies
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