The new series centers on a Cuban-American family, led by recently separated, former military mom Penelope Alvarez (Justina Machado). She must navigate a new single life while raising her radical teen daughter Elena (Isabella Gomez) and socially adept tween son Alex (Marcel Ruiz), with the “help” of her old school Cuban-born mom (Rita Moreno) and building manager Schneider (Todd Grinnell).
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Find Local Screenings Buy TicketsThe new series centers on a Cuban-American family, led by recently separated, former military mom Penelope Alvarez (Justina Machado). She must navigate a new single life while raising her radical teen daughter Elena (Isabella Gomez) and socially adept tween son Alex (Marcel Ruiz), with the “help” of her old school Cuban-born mom (Rita Moreno) and building manager Schneider (Todd Grinnell).
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