58 Verified MOvie Ratings
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Unlike other movie websites, we verify users that have actually attended a screening or event by scanning their tickets at the event before collecting their feedback and experience. This verification process provides people with real and honest insights on movies and entertainment related events. Helping you and your friends make informed decisions about upcoming movies and events.
Participating in Gofobo's Verified Movie Ratings is easy. Once you are a member, attend one of our many screenings via local promotions. After each screening, once your screening passes have been scanned by an authorized representative, an email will be sent to you after the screening/event. Please make sure to fill out the form and publish your feedback on gofobo.com. Be sure to also share with your friends.
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Participating in Gofobo's Verified Movie Ratings is easy. Once you are a member, attend one of our many screenings via local promotions. After each screening, once your screening passes have been scanned by an authorized representative, an email will be sent to you after the screening/event. Please make sure to fill out the form and publish your feedback on gofobo.com. Be sure to also share with your friends.
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The following screenings or events is currently in the process of verifying movie ratings. Meaning, the screening or event has either not been completed or attendees have not been verified yet for authenticity. Once they have been verified and approved on our end, the movie ratings will be posted. Thank you for your patience.
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What is a Verified Movie Rating?
93% Fans Recommend
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Verified Movie Ratings
CA: Subject to Classification
February 04, 2022
Celebrating the joy of being back together with your best friends and a perfectly executed shot to the dingdong, the original jackass crew return for another round of hilarious, wildly absurd, and often dangerous displays of comedy with a little help from some exciting new cast. Johnny and the team push the envelope even further in jackass forever.
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How To Provide a Rating?
Best one yet
Just got out of an early screening and the gang, old and new brought it, well done! The theater was filled with laughter, tears and during one scene lots of dry heaving. Great effort and if you ever were a fan of the series, it’s worth your time.
Admittedly this isn’t typically my humor. Yes I watched the original show but I’m older now. Haha .. but it was a very fun watch, a little gross, & graphic, but what’re ya gonna do. I can definitely say with the pandemic and crazy times we’re in, I didn’t think of regular life once during this movie. It was a total escape and you find yourself very invested. Good fun, good running time, thumbs up
LMAO nonstop. Feel like i got abs now lol
Love all of them but this one is my fav. Was beyond hilarious. My stomach hurts from laughing so much.
These dudes are extreme! Hilarious movie, but definitely not for children! You’ve been warned.
Jaw dropping moments and crazy outrageous stunts. Get ready to laugh and be shocked at the same time! Hell of a ride!
I absolutely loved this movie! I felt like I was a 21 yr old girl watching her favorite people make me laugh!!! I enjoyed myself and the movie was great! Their just as funny and as daring! Will definitely watching again
Best one yet
Admittedly this isn’t typically my humor. Yes I watched the original show but I’m older now. Haha .. but it was a very fun watch, a little gross, & graphic, but what’re ya gonna do. I can definitely say with the pandemic and crazy times we’re in, I didn’t think of regular life once during this movie. It was a total escape and you find yourself very invested. Good fun, good running time, thumbs up
Love all of them but this one is my fav. Was beyond hilarious. My stomach hurts from laughing so much.
Jaw dropping moments and crazy outrageous stunts. Get ready to laugh and be shocked at the same time! Hell of a ride!
Just got out of an early screening and the gang, old and new brought it, well done! The theater was filled with laughter, tears and during one scene lots of dry heaving. Great effort and if you ever were a fan of the series, it’s worth your time.
LMAO nonstop. Feel like i got abs now lol
These dudes are extreme! Hilarious movie, but definitely not for children! You’ve been warned.
I absolutely loved this movie! I felt like I was a 21 yr old girl watching her favorite people make me laugh!!! I enjoyed myself and the movie was great! Their just as funny and as daring! Will definitely watching again
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