399 Verified MOvie Ratings
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94% Fans Recommend
Movie Details
Verified Movie Ratings
US: PG-13
CA: Subject to Classification
August 29, 2018
This thrilling true story follows the 1960 covert mission of legendary Mossad agent Peter Malkin as he infiltrates Argentina and captures Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi officer who masterminded the transportation logistics that brought millions of innocent Jews to their deaths in concentration camps.
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How To Provide a Rating?
Great, even though I knew the story I was on the edge of my seat ! Kingsley deserves a Oscar nomination.
The entire movie was suspenseful and well made, Great screenplay, directing and acting. I was at my seat the entire 128 minutes without chdcking at my watch once! While it's a well known fact that many former SS members and war criminals escaped to South America after the war, I was surprise to learn that it was through the help of the Vatican, the Red Cross, and the U.S. Intelligence Agencies.
Wonderful movie, besides bringing to life an important but almost forgotten event, the movie was compelling, and kept me on the edge of my seat throughout. The actors were excellent.
This true story is well-told and has great acting. It's intruiging look at the experiences and emotions of Jewish survivors of the Holocaust in 1960s Israel and Argentina has not been covered in narrative film and presents an unique perspective of the aftermath of one of humanity's greatest tragedies. It deftly presents the notorious antagonist as a person rather than as a villianious caricature.
In addition to an amazing cast and plot, the sentiment of this movie will stay with me for a lifetime. It accurately captured the emotional turmoil of each character and took the audience on a edge of their seat ride from the begging until the end.
Well paced drama that brings the emotion and magnitude of the story to the forefront. Incredibly well acted, a must see
I found it very opening to hear more about the eichmann trial and how the israelis were able to capture and bring him to israel. great cast!
This movie was fantastic. Compelling story, great acting, and very engaging. I was engrossed in the story line from beginning to end. A must see for everyone! I would definitely tell others to see it for sure!
Great, even though I knew the story I was on the edge of my seat ! Kingsley deserves a Oscar nomination.
Wonderful movie, besides bringing to life an important but almost forgotten event, the movie was compelling, and kept me on the edge of my seat throughout. The actors were excellent.
In addition to an amazing cast and plot, the sentiment of this movie will stay with me for a lifetime. It accurately captured the emotional turmoil of each character and took the audience on a edge of their seat ride from the begging until the end.
I found it very opening to hear more about the eichmann trial and how the israelis were able to capture and bring him to israel. great cast!
The entire movie was suspenseful and well made, Great screenplay, directing and acting. I was at my seat the entire 128 minutes without chdcking at my watch once! While it's a well known fact that many former SS members and war criminals escaped to South America after the war, I was surprise to learn that it was through the help of the Vatican, the Red Cross, and the U.S. Intelligence Agencies.
This true story is well-told and has great acting. It's intruiging look at the experiences and emotions of Jewish survivors of the Holocaust in 1960s Israel and Argentina has not been covered in narrative film and presents an unique perspective of the aftermath of one of humanity's greatest tragedies. It deftly presents the notorious antagonist as a person rather than as a villianious caricature.
Well paced drama that brings the emotion and magnitude of the story to the forefront. Incredibly well acted, a must see
This movie was fantastic. Compelling story, great acting, and very engaging. I was engrossed in the story line from beginning to end. A must see for everyone! I would definitely tell others to see it for sure!
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