The Exorcist: Believer starts out strong, but suffers from the inclusiveness doctrine that many other recent films have suffered from. By trying to stuff so many religions into the exorcism the film loses the originality it began with. \r\rOn top of that, the cameos seem forced, rather \rthan a natural progression of the story. \r\rThe film would have been better if it was a simple exorcism-based film.
It is not up to the level of The Exorcist (1973).
The movie started well... And for the first part of the movie, it was consistent with the original.\r\r\rHad a feel and atmosphere very close to the original. And it all continue to be this way until mid point of the movie when all the sudden its like the writers ran out of ideas or how to use the original as a blueprint. \r\r\rDavid Gordon Green should stop messing with classics.
The Exorcist: Believer starts out strong, but suffers from the inclusiveness doctrine that many other recent films have suffered from. By trying to stuff so many religions into the exorcism the film loses the originality it began with. \r\rOn top of that, the cameos seem forced, rather \rthan a natural progression of the story. \r\rThe film would have been better if it was a simple exorcism-based film.
The movie started well... And for the first part of the movie, it was consistent with the original.\r\r\rHad a feel and atmosphere very close to the original. And it all continue to be this way until mid point of the movie when all the sudden its like the writers ran out of ideas or how to use the original as a blueprint. \r\r\rDavid Gordon Green should stop messing with classics.
It is not up to the level of The Exorcist (1973).