Very well-acted and visually stunning film, but a bit long and redundant -- it could easily have been edited down by up to about 20 minutes. Overall, I enjoyed the film and the slow descent of the successful conductor as the world she had created collapsed around her. Thank you for allowing me to see this!
Although I enjoyed the film, there aren't many people I can recommend it to. That speaks more to my circle of friends than to the quality of the film. Will definitely watch it again (with subtitles) to catch what I missed on first viewing. Thank you for the opportunity to see it!
Cate Blanchett is incredible. I could watch her play any role. The film felt about 30 min too long and I was getting antsy for a resolution... that didn't come. The ending, for me, was unsatisfying and as a viewer, having been through each debacle, I felt like I "deserved" more. I also get that an ending like that mirrors life more accurately.... where do the people who get cancelled go? We usually don't find out because unless you were one of their victims, we don't care. Everyone else has moved on to the next person to hate. (Also, I initially thought this was a true story lol.)
Very well-acted and visually stunning film, but a bit long and redundant -- it could easily have been edited down by up to about 20 minutes. Overall, I enjoyed the film and the slow descent of the successful conductor as the world she had created collapsed around her. Thank you for allowing me to see this!
Although I enjoyed the film, there aren't many people I can recommend it to. That speaks more to my circle of friends than to the quality of the film. Will definitely watch it again (with subtitles) to catch what I missed on first viewing. Thank you for the opportunity to see it!
Cate Blanchett is incredible. I could watch her play any role. The film felt about 30 min too long and I was getting antsy for a resolution... that didn't come. The ending, for me, was unsatisfying and as a viewer, having been through each debacle, I felt like I "deserved" more. I also get that an ending like that mirrors life more accurately.... where do the people who get cancelled go? We usually don't find out because unless you were one of their victims, we don't care. Everyone else has moved on to the next person to hate. (Also, I initially thought this was a true story lol.)