"Bob Marley: One Love" is a heart-warming, thought-provoking biopic with superb acting turns by Kingsley Ben-Adir and Lashana Lynch as Bob and Rita Marley. Covering a crucial two year period of Bob's life- between 1976 and 1978- it highlights Bob's struggles, internally and externally, to pursue the dream of peace and one love. The film avoids being bloated or overlong. A true gem of a flick.
Excellent movie, great representation of who he was and part of his life. The scenary is magnificent, the soundtrack impressive. And what about the characters! Well Done! One Love!
I enjoyed the movie as a whole but in particular the music. The quality of acting was great! I was continually immersed in the movie. I appreciate the Ziggy playing the role of his father as it made it more natural and perhaps authentic than if someone else would have played the role. Ziggy's wife in the movie was a natural and played her part with sincere emotions. Love it!
Great movie.
"Bob Marley: One Love" is a heart-warming, thought-provoking biopic with superb acting turns by Kingsley Ben-Adir and Lashana Lynch as Bob and Rita Marley. Covering a crucial two year period of Bob's life- between 1976 and 1978- it highlights Bob's struggles, internally and externally, to pursue the dream of peace and one love. The film avoids being bloated or overlong. A true gem of a flick.
I enjoyed the movie as a whole but in particular the music. The quality of acting was great! I was continually immersed in the movie. I appreciate the Ziggy playing the role of his father as it made it more natural and perhaps authentic than if someone else would have played the role. Ziggy's wife in the movie was a natural and played her part with sincere emotions. Love it!
Excellent movie, great representation of who he was and part of his life. The scenary is magnificent, the soundtrack impressive. And what about the characters! Well Done! One Love!
Great movie.