Charming, vibrant animated film about a magical place & family that faces being vanished. Mirabel, the sole family without magical gift, is determined to save the magic. Soundtrack is lively and adds depth to the characters.
It was such an amazing movie with a great story line
I absolutely loved everything about this movie the music the dialogue the storyline everything was absolutely wonderful I really would love to see it again thank you so much for making this opportunity happened I absolutely want to see this movie so much after seeing the trailer it was everything I could ever wish for in a movie
The animation and coloring of this film are captivating. I was amazed at the detail of the animation down to the hair on the hands. The story of family, each member of that family along with their gift, and the special bond of family will resonate with young and old alike. While each family member is different, there is no place better than a family. Well done!
Charming, vibrant animated film about a magical place & family that faces being vanished. Mirabel, the sole family without magical gift, is determined to save the magic. Soundtrack is lively and adds depth to the characters.
I absolutely loved everything about this movie the music the dialogue the storyline everything was absolutely wonderful I really would love to see it again thank you so much for making this opportunity happened I absolutely want to see this movie so much after seeing the trailer it was everything I could ever wish for in a movie
It was such an amazing movie with a great story line
The animation and coloring of this film are captivating. I was amazed at the detail of the animation down to the hair on the hands. The story of family, each member of that family along with their gift, and the special bond of family will resonate with young and old alike. While each family member is different, there is no place better than a family. Well done!