No recognizable actors. The traditional battles between King Kong and Godzilla were extremely limited. Not enough fight scenes, not enough destruction. The movie was a bit slow and I actually fell asleep waiting for the action. End of movie as good, but overall two starts for the acting.
The intro ran too long. Some details were misunderstood and may not be easy to follow for some viewers. Several scenes were unnecessary. Information was lost on who the little girl was; maybe if there were more emphasis on who she was, why she was there, it might have helped. Overall, I give this film a 2. Alexander Skarsgard was phenomenal and led the whole movie.
Don't care about the human characters.\rJust wanted to see Godzilla fight Kong.\rDidn't like how the 2 human character plots were separate the entire film as well.\rFelt like 2 or 3 films meshed into 1.
Awesome monster designs and special effects, but it was hard to be emotionally invested in any of the human characters. The parts with the people were a bit slow.
No recognizable actors. The traditional battles between King Kong and Godzilla were extremely limited. Not enough fight scenes, not enough destruction. The movie was a bit slow and I actually fell asleep waiting for the action. End of movie as good, but overall two starts for the acting.
Don't care about the human characters.\rJust wanted to see Godzilla fight Kong.\rDidn't like how the 2 human character plots were separate the entire film as well.\rFelt like 2 or 3 films meshed into 1.
The intro ran too long. Some details were misunderstood and may not be easy to follow for some viewers. Several scenes were unnecessary. Information was lost on who the little girl was; maybe if there were more emphasis on who she was, why she was there, it might have helped. Overall, I give this film a 2. Alexander Skarsgard was phenomenal and led the whole movie.
Awesome monster designs and special effects, but it was hard to be emotionally invested in any of the human characters. The parts with the people were a bit slow.