While I like Will Smith as an actor this movie doesn't get my like. Unfortunately it's predictable and not really original. While the CGI-overlay of the younger Will's face may be cutting edge technology it failed to impress me. The modeled face always seemed a little fuzzy and had a different hue than the other faces on screen (green hue during van ride). CGI physics were not on point.
There is nothing exceptional about this movie, nothing we have not seen before. The premise is silly really.Other than Will Smith starring in it, I would say pass.
the movie was slow and somewhat boring and the cgi looked fake and weird. disappointed as ang lee is a good director. will smith seems to pick bad projects these days and has done too many sci fi projects which are not good. disappointed overall.
Pretty basic and genericAng lee should stick to cowboys movies
While I like Will Smith as an actor this movie doesn't get my like. Unfortunately it's predictable and not really original. While the CGI-overlay of the younger Will's face may be cutting edge technology it failed to impress me. The modeled face always seemed a little fuzzy and had a different hue than the other faces on screen (green hue during van ride). CGI physics were not on point.
the movie was slow and somewhat boring and the cgi looked fake and weird. disappointed as ang lee is a good director. will smith seems to pick bad projects these days and has done too many sci fi projects which are not good. disappointed overall.
There is nothing exceptional about this movie, nothing we have not seen before. The premise is silly really.Other than Will Smith starring in it, I would say pass.
Pretty basic and genericAng lee should stick to cowboys movies