Definitely high on action. A bit of a reboot of the original in many ways. I didn't like that the boy John was indeed killed. Alternate reality of a new Skynet? I dunno, it was bit much. I didn't really buy that an old Terminator like Schwarzenegger would "grow a conscience" and become a good guy. Interesting angle but I think it was just a way to write him into the plot.
After screening it in IMAX last night, there really is no other way to see this film with the special effects that sound so amazing in IMAX sound. The movie was worth seeing for its action-packed stunts, and just to see Sarah Conners and the Terminator working together toward the same goal. Sylvester Stallone can still bring on the action to the big screen.
Entertaining,yet too unrealistic
It was kinda cheesy and jumped around a lot.
Definitely high on action. A bit of a reboot of the original in many ways. I didn't like that the boy John was indeed killed. Alternate reality of a new Skynet? I dunno, it was bit much. I didn't really buy that an old Terminator like Schwarzenegger would "grow a conscience" and become a good guy. Interesting angle but I think it was just a way to write him into the plot.
Entertaining,yet too unrealistic
After screening it in IMAX last night, there really is no other way to see this film with the special effects that sound so amazing in IMAX sound. The movie was worth seeing for its action-packed stunts, and just to see Sarah Conners and the Terminator working together toward the same goal. Sylvester Stallone can still bring on the action to the big screen.
It was kinda cheesy and jumped around a lot.