I would not recommend this movie. It was very weak and not very funny.
Great premise that went nowhere after the first 45 minutes. There were a lot of opportunities to explore things, such as small person rights, class structure, the environment, etc. but nothing came of any of it. Really disappointed. Performances were great given the actors and actresses had almost no material to drive the plot. Stick to Payne’s other films.
Movie dragged
I thought it was slow and boring...a few scenes caught my interest, but overall, not really what I expected.
I would not recommend this movie. It was very weak and not very funny.
Movie dragged
Great premise that went nowhere after the first 45 minutes. There were a lot of opportunities to explore things, such as small person rights, class structure, the environment, etc. but nothing came of any of it. Really disappointed. Performances were great given the actors and actresses had almost no material to drive the plot. Stick to Payne’s other films.
I thought it was slow and boring...a few scenes caught my interest, but overall, not really what I expected.