I enjoyed the movie but I found it confusing at times. Could not understand Clare's mixed up thinking.
Oof. Better luck next time.
It was quite predictable. Moread gory than scary. And the main character is so stupid with her wishes as are the fates of the wish pot victims. I wish I hafld my hour and a half back.
Interesting concept but poorly executed. Also, it is impossible to care about the main character when she feels so indifferent about the consequences of her first two wishes.
I enjoyed the movie but I found it confusing at times. Could not understand Clare's mixed up thinking.
It was quite predictable. Moread gory than scary. And the main character is so stupid with her wishes as are the fates of the wish pot victims. I wish I hafld my hour and a half back.
Oof. Better luck next time.
Interesting concept but poorly executed. Also, it is impossible to care about the main character when she feels so indifferent about the consequences of her first two wishes.