It has funny parts but has too much vulgar sexual humor.
Lacking in story line. Characters had little chemistry with one another. Some funny bits and lines. Individual acting ok.
It makes it almost to par. Trying to hard to make an original while making it like the original. Funny at parts, took a long time even to get to the first humorous scene. If you are fan of Ann Or Rebel you may enjoy the movie a little more. Glad I saw it for free.
Funny movie in spots, but predictable and sometimes the jokes were forced and over the top. Didn't need to try so hard. Some of the jokes were just cringe worthy. Not their best work. A good rental, but not sure it's worth full ticket price.
It has funny parts but has too much vulgar sexual humor.
It makes it almost to par. Trying to hard to make an original while making it like the original. Funny at parts, took a long time even to get to the first humorous scene. If you are fan of Ann Or Rebel you may enjoy the movie a little more. Glad I saw it for free.
Lacking in story line. Characters had little chemistry with one another. Some funny bits and lines. Individual acting ok.
Funny movie in spots, but predictable and sometimes the jokes were forced and over the top. Didn't need to try so hard. Some of the jokes were just cringe worthy. Not their best work. A good rental, but not sure it's worth full ticket price.