Du deja vvu film de tv
It's a fun movie if you want to watch over weekend to kill some time, but don't expect much. Although story was good, direction was not ao much. First half felt like I was satching a movie trailer with no effort placed in smooth transition among scenes, the second half was more professional looking. Although Nicolas cage does a grwat job, other actors well....they try to be funny
Lottsa silly fun drenched in many buckets of blood.
It was funnier than I expected it to be, but the plot was lacking for me. Not something I would have spent money to go see, maybe something I would watch if it was on a streaming service that I already subscribe to.
Du deja vvu film de tv
Lottsa silly fun drenched in many buckets of blood.
It's a fun movie if you want to watch over weekend to kill some time, but don't expect much. Although story was good, direction was not ao much. First half felt like I was satching a movie trailer with no effort placed in smooth transition among scenes, the second half was more professional looking. Although Nicolas cage does a grwat job, other actors well....they try to be funny
It was funnier than I expected it to be, but the plot was lacking for me. Not something I would have spent money to go see, maybe something I would watch if it was on a streaming service that I already subscribe to.