Please stop making Spider-Man spinoffs as cheap cash grabs and work with Marvel to do a good job on your characters? Do you want be the DC of Marvel Movies, because this is what you're working to. Please stop ruining amazing characters and give them the respect they deserve.
This movie was horrible. Most of the plot felt forced, the cgi didn’t work, and most of the acting was flat. The first 25 minutes of the movie were in needed and the outcome of Eddie’s life being in shambles and joining with Venom could have been done much quicker and had more emotional impact. This movie suffered from too much style instead of substance. In trying so hard to gather new fans it alienated fans that have enjoyed the character for decades.
Please stop making Spider-Man spinoffs as cheap cash grabs and work with Marvel to do a good job on your characters? Do you want be the DC of Marvel Movies, because this is what you're working to. Please stop ruining amazing characters and give them the respect they deserve.
This movie was horrible. Most of the plot felt forced, the cgi didn’t work, and most of the acting was flat. The first 25 minutes of the movie were in needed and the outcome of Eddie’s life being in shambles and joining with Venom could have been done much quicker and had more emotional impact. This movie suffered from too much style instead of substance. In trying so hard to gather new fans it alienated fans that have enjoyed the character for decades.