Suspense, interesting, hair pulling, though provoking,
Wow! What an extremely INTENSE movie! I found myself CRYING a few times during this film! As the mom of a 6 yr old.... I just couldn’t even IMAGINE the choices, the situations, and all of these experiences that Alison faced!!! (Leaving for the airport, and NOT taking the little girl, her son being taken from her, the fight in the back of the truck, the son telling the soldier, finding her son, missing the debris falling on them, the impact of the plane landing, and bracing for the shockwave in the bunker) My heart was racing!! I LOVED this movie.... but boy was it INTENSE! That’s the only word I can think of to describe this film. I loved ALL of the actors, except for the son. I just couldn’t find him believable, I tried. It was a nice surprise to see her Dad (the urban cowboy guy, Wes) in the movie! THANKS for getting my heart rate up!! Very well done
I’ve seen end of the world type movies before but this one had me on my seat the entire movie! It wasn’t cheesy or gimmicky, easy to follow story line with many surprises along the way. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie!
It was a good amount of anxiety and action! Love the actors! Good plot, I was very happy I got to watch it first!
Suspense, interesting, hair pulling, though provoking,
I’ve seen end of the world type movies before but this one had me on my seat the entire movie! It wasn’t cheesy or gimmicky, easy to follow story line with many surprises along the way. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie!
Wow! What an extremely INTENSE movie! I found myself CRYING a few times during this film! As the mom of a 6 yr old.... I just couldn’t even IMAGINE the choices, the situations, and all of these experiences that Alison faced!!! (Leaving for the airport, and NOT taking the little girl, her son being taken from her, the fight in the back of the truck, the son telling the soldier, finding her son, missing the debris falling on them, the impact of the plane landing, and bracing for the shockwave in the bunker) My heart was racing!! I LOVED this movie.... but boy was it INTENSE! That’s the only word I can think of to describe this film. I loved ALL of the actors, except for the son. I just couldn’t find him believable, I tried. It was a nice surprise to see her Dad (the urban cowboy guy, Wes) in the movie! THANKS for getting my heart rate up!! Very well done
It was a good amount of anxiety and action! Love the actors! Good plot, I was very happy I got to watch it first!