\rDefinetly feels amazing to have that narrative shift of the ghosted girl throw into a void of vengeance the looser of the main character * who spoiler alert* was ghosted. \rStill with so many shifts and riddles on the dialogue, the movie quickly lacked some direction. Particularly the character intentions, even within the twisted logic. The main character avenged a woman who the woman avenged him. However, he is not a feminist because he does not take women seriously as it was shown in the begging of the film, a womanizer. \r
Great movie, actors and script!
Pas très bon. Un film indie qui semble sortir tout droit de 2008. Scénario invraisemblable et personnage principal qui, bien qu’intentionnellement désagréable, ne dépassé jamais le cliché. Exercice de narcissisme qui fait semblant de s’interesser à l’autre, mais qui reste bien enfoncé dans son propre nombril. Dis moi que t’es un gars, sans me dire que t’es un gars…. Les personnages féminins servent simplement de décor ou de faire valoir. On est en 2022 pis le meutre d’une femme est encore juste le prétexte à une histoire de gars? Le film ne réussit pas à aller au-delà de son personnage.
It had a really slow build up and while I enjoy dry humor, the humor was EXTREMELY dry. I actually accidentally fell asleep towards the middle of the movie and that’s something I never do. However, I enjoyed the ending and the fact that the main character was able to get vengeance.
\rDefinetly feels amazing to have that narrative shift of the ghosted girl throw into a void of vengeance the looser of the main character * who spoiler alert* was ghosted. \rStill with so many shifts and riddles on the dialogue, the movie quickly lacked some direction. Particularly the character intentions, even within the twisted logic. The main character avenged a woman who the woman avenged him. However, he is not a feminist because he does not take women seriously as it was shown in the begging of the film, a womanizer. \r
Pas très bon. Un film indie qui semble sortir tout droit de 2008. Scénario invraisemblable et personnage principal qui, bien qu’intentionnellement désagréable, ne dépassé jamais le cliché. Exercice de narcissisme qui fait semblant de s’interesser à l’autre, mais qui reste bien enfoncé dans son propre nombril. Dis moi que t’es un gars, sans me dire que t’es un gars…. Les personnages féminins servent simplement de décor ou de faire valoir. On est en 2022 pis le meutre d’une femme est encore juste le prétexte à une histoire de gars? Le film ne réussit pas à aller au-delà de son personnage.
Great movie, actors and script!
It had a really slow build up and while I enjoy dry humor, the humor was EXTREMELY dry. I actually accidentally fell asleep towards the middle of the movie and that’s something I never do. However, I enjoyed the ending and the fact that the main character was able to get vengeance.