Plot of the story was off, hard to follow, it seemed like actors were forcing their performance, especially the main character. Ending was not what we expected and did leave us confused instead of wondering, but okay story.
My opinion of this movie is that it wasn't good at all I'm thinking that it would be just like the original soprano movie but it wasn't this movie put me too sleep and slow and it just long.
Low on plot but high on dialog and fun to watch
There didn't seem to be a plot line.\rThere was NO storyline. \rThere was only hits, meetings and funerals.\rI kept waiting for some kind of story but I was sadly disappointed.\r
Plot of the story was off, hard to follow, it seemed like actors were forcing their performance, especially the main character. Ending was not what we expected and did leave us confused instead of wondering, but okay story.
Low on plot but high on dialog and fun to watch
My opinion of this movie is that it wasn't good at all I'm thinking that it would be just like the original soprano movie but it wasn't this movie put me too sleep and slow and it just long.
There didn't seem to be a plot line.\rThere was NO storyline. \rThere was only hits, meetings and funerals.\rI kept waiting for some kind of story but I was sadly disappointed.\r