A deftly written, produced and skillfully portrayed story of fragil people thrown suddenly into a world of new realities and how we face them without falling back on old crutches. The director wasted no frame, the screen writer no word. It was it's own quiet joy. Thank you. I look forward to seeing the leads as well as the father and especially the home director.
Great movie with a great lead actor who deserve a Academy Awards nomination
I didn’t get to finish it, had to deal with a family situation, though I can’t wait to finish it once it’s officially released. From what I saw, it appeared great. Thanks for letting me see it.
Sound of Metal was a very moving film, I really enjoyed it. Such a lovely and meditative example of why storytelling with diverse and unexplored subject matter is so important. I really felt it gave a refreshing view of the deaf community which I had not considered before. All of the actors had such strong performances and I really hope that the studio is planning to campaign for them this awards season, especially Riz Ahmed and Paul Raci.
A deftly written, produced and skillfully portrayed story of fragil people thrown suddenly into a world of new realities and how we face them without falling back on old crutches. The director wasted no frame, the screen writer no word. It was it's own quiet joy. Thank you. I look forward to seeing the leads as well as the father and especially the home director.
I didn’t get to finish it, had to deal with a family situation, though I can’t wait to finish it once it’s officially released. From what I saw, it appeared great. Thanks for letting me see it.
Great movie with a great lead actor who deserve a Academy Awards nomination
Sound of Metal was a very moving film, I really enjoyed it. Such a lovely and meditative example of why storytelling with diverse and unexplored subject matter is so important. I really felt it gave a refreshing view of the deaf community which I had not considered before. All of the actors had such strong performances and I really hope that the studio is planning to campaign for them this awards season, especially Riz Ahmed and Paul Raci.