My teenager and I loved the movie. The movie kept us entertained the whole time.
I thought is was a very cute movie. There were only a fee times it lost my attention, but even the best movies in the world do that during scenes were there is a lot of talking and no doing. It was slightly predictable, but still very entertaining. I’m glad I saw it and I would recommend it to others.
It was a great story! Both my fiance and I were expecting it to be more love story-ish and, while it had romance, the movie was more a celebration of life. I highly recommend seeing it.
Overall I would recommend this movie! It was cute, funny, sad and a tad bit awkward sometimes but teenagers are awkward so it makes sense. I learned more about CF and the struggles people face with it. The actors were great!
My teenager and I loved the movie. The movie kept us entertained the whole time.
It was a great story! Both my fiance and I were expecting it to be more love story-ish and, while it had romance, the movie was more a celebration of life. I highly recommend seeing it.
I thought is was a very cute movie. There were only a fee times it lost my attention, but even the best movies in the world do that during scenes were there is a lot of talking and no doing. It was slightly predictable, but still very entertaining. I’m glad I saw it and I would recommend it to others.
Overall I would recommend this movie! It was cute, funny, sad and a tad bit awkward sometimes but teenagers are awkward so it makes sense. I learned more about CF and the struggles people face with it. The actors were great!