It was a great movie, I thoroughly enjoyed it along with my husband. Except we didn't see the ending. The emergency lights came on in the theatre, the movie was shut off and all patrons were asked to vacate the theatre. We were told someone triggered the alarm unlawfully.\r\rWe never saw the last 30 minutes of the movie and we have no idea how it ended for Mrs. Harris?? That was the disappointing part. \r\r
It was delightful. Lesley Manville is one of my favorite actresses so I HAD to go see her in this movie. I shared seeing this on Facebook.
It’s a very cute movie with a wonderful meaning behind it. The movie says it best “Who someone is on the outside mag be totally different on the inside.”
It was wonderful : the story line, the acting, the setting and if course - the costumes.\r\rWe thoroughly enjoyed it and so did the audience.
It was a great movie, I thoroughly enjoyed it along with my husband. Except we didn't see the ending. The emergency lights came on in the theatre, the movie was shut off and all patrons were asked to vacate the theatre. We were told someone triggered the alarm unlawfully.\r\rWe never saw the last 30 minutes of the movie and we have no idea how it ended for Mrs. Harris?? That was the disappointing part. \r\r
It’s a very cute movie with a wonderful meaning behind it. The movie says it best “Who someone is on the outside mag be totally different on the inside.”
It was delightful. Lesley Manville is one of my favorite actresses so I HAD to go see her in this movie. I shared seeing this on Facebook.
It was wonderful : the story line, the acting, the setting and if course - the costumes.\r\rWe thoroughly enjoyed it and so did the audience.