A cute adaptation of Judy Blume’s book about the coming of age story of Margaret, as she navigates moving to a new city, making new friends, puberty, middle school, and religion. A fun, feel-good movie experience! Recommend.
One of my favorite books growing up. They only thing I didn't like was the portrayal of Christianity. Jesus was a Jewish and Christians love Jesus.
I loved this movie. Read the book many years ago with my daughter and was very happy with the movie. Abby Ryder Fortson was delightful, Rachel McAdams was great as the mom, and I enjoyed seeing Kathy Bates in action again. Thank you for the opportunity to see this and to be able to recommend it. Came home and posted a review on Facebook and Twitter immediately.
The movie is fantastic! It brought me back to being a young girl and trying to understand who I was at the time. Every woman will be able to relate to this movie. It was funny, tender, and emotional. I loved every minute of it!
A cute adaptation of Judy Blume’s book about the coming of age story of Margaret, as she navigates moving to a new city, making new friends, puberty, middle school, and religion. A fun, feel-good movie experience! Recommend.
I loved this movie. Read the book many years ago with my daughter and was very happy with the movie. Abby Ryder Fortson was delightful, Rachel McAdams was great as the mom, and I enjoyed seeing Kathy Bates in action again. Thank you for the opportunity to see this and to be able to recommend it. Came home and posted a review on Facebook and Twitter immediately.
One of my favorite books growing up. They only thing I didn't like was the portrayal of Christianity. Jesus was a Jewish and Christians love Jesus.
The movie is fantastic! It brought me back to being a young girl and trying to understand who I was at the time. Every woman will be able to relate to this movie. It was funny, tender, and emotional. I loved every minute of it!