Katie H.

April 18, 2024


Dumb. Would be best for little girls if it wasn't for all the unnecessary swearing. The funniest character was killed off first. That character should've been killed off later in the movie to have made the movie more entertaining. I liked the story line, however.



Rick H.

April 18, 2024


The enjoyment of this movie is going into it not knowing what it is about and trying to understand the genre as it seams to change from one act to the next. This makes for a fun escape, but I'd rather have just watched it from home. Once you've spoiled the surprising twists of the film, I don't see any reason to see it again.



Katie H.

April 18, 2024


Dumb. Would be best for little girls if it wasn't for all the unnecessary swearing. The funniest character was killed off first. That character should've been killed off later in the movie to have made the movie more entertaining. I liked the story line, however.

Rick H.

April 18, 2024


The enjoyment of this movie is going into it not knowing what it is about and trying to understand the genre as it seams to change from one act to the next. This makes for a fun escape, but I'd rather have just watched it from home. Once you've spoiled the surprising twists of the film, I don't see any reason to see it again.