So many ideas start to take shape in this movie but none feel as fleshed out as I've come to expect a Tarantino movie to. There were some questionable editing choices and a plot that never gets to full speed but the star power and attention to detail on screen was enough that I never became aware of the length of the movie. (also lets get more Scoot McNairy). Thank you. I'm not sure why I just thanked you. Thank you.
The movie had a comical factor present throughout its entirety. There are some parts in the movie which was not necessary for the original plot. The ending was really captivating to watch and was also funny in a different way. The movie is something I would recommend but I would not watch it more then ten times.
The movie hada slow beginning. It seemed to drag on. Nut I did appreciate the twist at the end. What if. I also did enjoy seeing Leonardo DiCaprio as well as Brad Pitt.
It was very long, slow to get going but well acted and entertaining.
So many ideas start to take shape in this movie but none feel as fleshed out as I've come to expect a Tarantino movie to. There were some questionable editing choices and a plot that never gets to full speed but the star power and attention to detail on screen was enough that I never became aware of the length of the movie. (also lets get more Scoot McNairy). Thank you. I'm not sure why I just thanked you. Thank you.
The movie hada slow beginning. It seemed to drag on. Nut I did appreciate the twist at the end. What if. I also did enjoy seeing Leonardo DiCaprio as well as Brad Pitt.
The movie had a comical factor present throughout its entirety. There are some parts in the movie which was not necessary for the original plot. The ending was really captivating to watch and was also funny in a different way. The movie is something I would recommend but I would not watch it more then ten times.
It was very long, slow to get going but well acted and entertaining.