I liked the use of family values throughout along with importance of self worth.
It was a great family movie. I loved how it spoke common on family role, siblings issues for example how the oldest child usually feels pressure from having to be strong to protect younger siblings. Very touching, makes me want to have open up more with family.
I loved all of the color and expressiveness of the characters. I love how it speaks about how family isn't always perfect. The one thing that I can see to make this movie great is more dialogue and less singing. There was some parts that could have been spoken instead of sung.
I loved the movie. The story was exceptional, they showed many things from Colombian culture respecting the background. I don’t give five stars because the songs were the same of the same, but I enjoyed them. The story behind the movie showed the importance of the family and friends and that no one is perfect.
I liked the use of family values throughout along with importance of self worth.
I loved all of the color and expressiveness of the characters. I love how it speaks about how family isn't always perfect. The one thing that I can see to make this movie great is more dialogue and less singing. There was some parts that could have been spoken instead of sung.
It was a great family movie. I loved how it spoke common on family role, siblings issues for example how the oldest child usually feels pressure from having to be strong to protect younger siblings. Very touching, makes me want to have open up more with family.
I loved the movie. The story was exceptional, they showed many things from Colombian culture respecting the background. I don’t give five stars because the songs were the same of the same, but I enjoyed them. The story behind the movie showed the importance of the family and friends and that no one is perfect.