Not nearly as good as The Big Short.
Stellar performances, great laughs, and one of the best mid credits put on screen. Sometimes style over took the substance away from the film.
Though I thought it was great that they pulled the veil back from the deception that is our government, that they said this movie was based on fact, but started with the premise that 9/11 was the cause of ANYONE besides our government, was in itself deceptive. The same people this movie was about were the same people that plotted then destroyed our Twin Towers & Entire World Trade Center so they could pull off what they said this movie was, at least in part, about. Had they started with that truth and those facts, it would've been more believable, but they didn't, making it unreliable.
It was very entertaining. It was a bit loose with facts, and made some individuals look a bit foolish without basis in fact.
Not nearly as good as The Big Short.
Though I thought it was great that they pulled the veil back from the deception that is our government, that they said this movie was based on fact, but started with the premise that 9/11 was the cause of ANYONE besides our government, was in itself deceptive. The same people this movie was about were the same people that plotted then destroyed our Twin Towers & Entire World Trade Center so they could pull off what they said this movie was, at least in part, about. Had they started with that truth and those facts, it would've been more believable, but they didn't, making it unreliable.
Stellar performances, great laughs, and one of the best mid credits put on screen. Sometimes style over took the substance away from the film.
It was very entertaining. It was a bit loose with facts, and made some individuals look a bit foolish without basis in fact.