Intriguing film, giving us a glimpse into Aretha Franklin’s roller coaster life and evoking feelings of nostalgia. Despite the heartbreak in the film, it was also heartwarming, real, and exciting. The acting, performances, and of course music, was top notch. The film made us cry, but also cheer, clap, dance and sing! It was wonderful to see a modern film dedicated to the life of the legendary Queen of Soul, who I am blessed to have met in person and seen her perform, a few years before her passing.
I enjoyed that movie. As I'm not a big fan of Aretha Franklin, I was surprised to learn what happen to her in her life. I know some of her hits like "Respect", "Freeway of Love", "I knew you were waiting", Who's zoomin' who ".\rGreat performance by Jennifer Hudson in the role of Aretha Franklin and also good performance by Forrest Whitaker and Marlon Wayans. A movie that I recommended to see.
Aretha Franklin had a hard life good story of her life
Nicely told story of the queen of Soul!
Intriguing film, giving us a glimpse into Aretha Franklin’s roller coaster life and evoking feelings of nostalgia. Despite the heartbreak in the film, it was also heartwarming, real, and exciting. The acting, performances, and of course music, was top notch. The film made us cry, but also cheer, clap, dance and sing! It was wonderful to see a modern film dedicated to the life of the legendary Queen of Soul, who I am blessed to have met in person and seen her perform, a few years before her passing.
Aretha Franklin had a hard life good story of her life
I enjoyed that movie. As I'm not a big fan of Aretha Franklin, I was surprised to learn what happen to her in her life. I know some of her hits like "Respect", "Freeway of Love", "I knew you were waiting", Who's zoomin' who ".\rGreat performance by Jennifer Hudson in the role of Aretha Franklin and also good performance by Forrest Whitaker and Marlon Wayans. A movie that I recommended to see.
Nicely told story of the queen of Soul!