I enjoyed TÁR quite a bit and am grateful to have seen this film. Visually composed with structure, finesse and contrast. I was drawn in by the shot composition many times, curious. Music being a central component of the work, the artists and pieces referenced didn’t simply add another nuance of form but amplified the content. The story of Lydia Tár dove into current socio-political issues with not only perspective and bluntness but with an example. What are we experiencing in this age of ravenous internet consumption? Blanchett is a figure I can’t help but be mesmerized by-humanizing this age
I would recommend seeing it because there were so many elements that were strong. The acting was great, the art direction was stunning. Cate Blanchett was phenomenal. The story pacing seemed off though. I understand the slow build of the beginning but about 45 minutes of that seemed extraneous. \r\rWorth seeing but not a "must see" and not a "go while you can". \r\rFor a movie about music, there was surprisingly little music played. Especially for something that was 2.5 hours. \r
I adore Cate and she is of course excellent in this\rThe story was just a little too extended for my taste but intriguing nonetheless. The narrative of “we are all the hero of our stories” is apparent here, until the reality smacks you in your face.
The Interview scene was too long. I thought it was going to be the entire movie. After that the movie seem to be everywhere. I was lost when the main character & her assistant were having an emotional moment. I thought the composer was terminating her assistant but they were discussing about some1 else that the audience was not properly introduced to in the movie. I would not recommend the movie.
I enjoyed TÁR quite a bit and am grateful to have seen this film. Visually composed with structure, finesse and contrast. I was drawn in by the shot composition many times, curious. Music being a central component of the work, the artists and pieces referenced didn’t simply add another nuance of form but amplified the content. The story of Lydia Tár dove into current socio-political issues with not only perspective and bluntness but with an example. What are we experiencing in this age of ravenous internet consumption? Blanchett is a figure I can’t help but be mesmerized by-humanizing this age
I adore Cate and she is of course excellent in this\rThe story was just a little too extended for my taste but intriguing nonetheless. The narrative of “we are all the hero of our stories” is apparent here, until the reality smacks you in your face.
I would recommend seeing it because there were so many elements that were strong. The acting was great, the art direction was stunning. Cate Blanchett was phenomenal. The story pacing seemed off though. I understand the slow build of the beginning but about 45 minutes of that seemed extraneous. \r\rWorth seeing but not a "must see" and not a "go while you can". \r\rFor a movie about music, there was surprisingly little music played. Especially for something that was 2.5 hours. \r
The Interview scene was too long. I thought it was going to be the entire movie. After that the movie seem to be everywhere. I was lost when the main character & her assistant were having an emotional moment. I thought the composer was terminating her assistant but they were discussing about some1 else that the audience was not properly introduced to in the movie. I would not recommend the movie.