This engrossing documentary explores the complex experiences and perspectives of a generation raised under the Third Reich, who wittingly or unwittingly participated in one of the most deeply horrible moments in history. Through these first-hand accounts, the documentary sheds light on the varied ways in which the ideals and actions of everyday people are influenced, and the powerful collective role these people play in enabling large-scale evil. The questions posed and only partially answered in the documentary, serve as a timely and ominous reminder that this history has a lingering residue.
A new and very enlightening piece of holocaust history
Probably too many talking heads but the idea that these people took no responsibility and were matter of fact about the atrocities is really the most absorbing part of the story, and that they replicate their natter of fact thoughts as children, and a few are still ok with it all.
I found it extremely interesting and informative. I would have liked for it to be dubbed not just subtitled. I was hoping to see more pics of what happened. It was frustrating to see so many not admit their part in what happened even after all these years.
This engrossing documentary explores the complex experiences and perspectives of a generation raised under the Third Reich, who wittingly or unwittingly participated in one of the most deeply horrible moments in history. Through these first-hand accounts, the documentary sheds light on the varied ways in which the ideals and actions of everyday people are influenced, and the powerful collective role these people play in enabling large-scale evil. The questions posed and only partially answered in the documentary, serve as a timely and ominous reminder that this history has a lingering residue.
Probably too many talking heads but the idea that these people took no responsibility and were matter of fact about the atrocities is really the most absorbing part of the story, and that they replicate their natter of fact thoughts as children, and a few are still ok with it all.
A new and very enlightening piece of holocaust history
I found it extremely interesting and informative. I would have liked for it to be dubbed not just subtitled. I was hoping to see more pics of what happened. It was frustrating to see so many not admit their part in what happened even after all these years.