Why so serious, Matt?\r\rZero percent fun. I couldn’t stop thinking how much more fun I had watching the last time I saw The Penguin and The Catwoman together in a film in 1992. The more dour and self-serious a movie about a billionaire ninja in a bat costume movie is, the more ridiculous and goofy the whole thing comes across.\r\rIt's just Se7en, but with Batman. Hell, Se7en was a romp in comparison
It was okay, nothing crazy good or crazy bad.
They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.
I loved emo Bruce, the mystery, & parts that were unintentionally funny. The narration was corny though. They went for gritty/realistic, but I'd still say some camp lies there. It played like the pilot to a series I'd really want to see rather than a movie that'd get a sequel 3-4 years after. I want villains we haven't seen in live-action! Embrace the fantastical!
Why so serious, Matt?\r\rZero percent fun. I couldn’t stop thinking how much more fun I had watching the last time I saw The Penguin and The Catwoman together in a film in 1992. The more dour and self-serious a movie about a billionaire ninja in a bat costume movie is, the more ridiculous and goofy the whole thing comes across.\r\rIt's just Se7en, but with Batman. Hell, Se7en was a romp in comparison
They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.
It was okay, nothing crazy good or crazy bad.
I loved emo Bruce, the mystery, & parts that were unintentionally funny. The narration was corny though. They went for gritty/realistic, but I'd still say some camp lies there. It played like the pilot to a series I'd really want to see rather than a movie that'd get a sequel 3-4 years after. I want villains we haven't seen in live-action! Embrace the fantastical!