Hit or miss on the quality of the short films but overall it was great!
There was some very good & very interesting short stories\rWith some covering main social problems, very thought provoking, would like to see a few on the big screen developed into major films
Range of topics, some political or sign of current time, w/lesson. I found the male actors had ability to present topics which in the past presented as challenges felt by women like "Brown Man" or "T-shirt" acting showed challenge females have dealt with forever. \r "Stacks" film was very professionally presented. "Remember to Tip" cute&timely.\rHaunting topics in "Soulmates" & "Secret"
I love film that has been produced by fresh new filmmakers especially as family or local actors are used, quite often with great results. This particular set was a great example and while the only reason I gave the 4 stars was a couple of them left me puzzled as to their meaning. Other than that all of them were interesting well produced/directed and acted
Hit or miss on the quality of the short films but overall it was great!
Range of topics, some political or sign of current time, w/lesson. I found the male actors had ability to present topics which in the past presented as challenges felt by women like "Brown Man" or "T-shirt" acting showed challenge females have dealt with forever. \r "Stacks" film was very professionally presented. "Remember to Tip" cute&timely.\rHaunting topics in "Soulmates" & "Secret"
There was some very good & very interesting short stories\rWith some covering main social problems, very thought provoking, would like to see a few on the big screen developed into major films
I love film that has been produced by fresh new filmmakers especially as family or local actors are used, quite often with great results. This particular set was a great example and while the only reason I gave the 4 stars was a couple of them left me puzzled as to their meaning. Other than that all of them were interesting well produced/directed and acted