I think TAR is an amazing film to display Blanchett and it sparks great conversation about the character of artists. I think, as a history teacher, that looking at a historical figure it is often that people prescribe modern values onto them. TAR seems to be fighting that modernist viewpoint, but applying it to herself. It does not tell us whether things were right or wrong, but merely allows us to observe and make the judgement ourselves. TAR feels real and like something we could expect to happen in the world tomorrow in the New Yorker.
While slow to start, the film made you feel the rapid decline and hubris of a star pretending to be more than they were in reality. The imagery and sound were interplayed magnificently. It has been a long time since I have felt shocked by the end of a film.
Outstanding performance from Cate Blanchett, the middle third dragged by overrall this was a breathtaking exploration of a fascinating and painfully human character.
Intense, provocative, and reveals the conservative view of #metoo and the classical music world
I think TAR is an amazing film to display Blanchett and it sparks great conversation about the character of artists. I think, as a history teacher, that looking at a historical figure it is often that people prescribe modern values onto them. TAR seems to be fighting that modernist viewpoint, but applying it to herself. It does not tell us whether things were right or wrong, but merely allows us to observe and make the judgement ourselves. TAR feels real and like something we could expect to happen in the world tomorrow in the New Yorker.
Outstanding performance from Cate Blanchett, the middle third dragged by overrall this was a breathtaking exploration of a fascinating and painfully human character.
While slow to start, the film made you feel the rapid decline and hubris of a star pretending to be more than they were in reality. The imagery and sound were interplayed magnificently. It has been a long time since I have felt shocked by the end of a film.
Intense, provocative, and reveals the conservative view of #metoo and the classical music world