Moana2 is an entertaining continuation of the original film set after she has officially become a wave finder. The music is nice. Some songs, I could've done without. (The rapping verse.. not so much). The art style is different, but not too off-putting. Her interactions with her little sister earned my heart. The Story feels incomplete, clearly a setup for what's to come. Families will enjoy it.
The animation and voice acting Was top-notch. I thought the plot was a little difficult for children to follow and overly complicated. I did not see the original, so that may have helped.
It was a good story line but it didnt have 1 good song in there. Wasnt emotional enough either
It's a cute and visually stunning movie, it hits all the right inspirational and emotional beats. But nothing very complex or nuanced that you need to chew on. Great if you're looking for a kids' movie.
Moana2 is an entertaining continuation of the original film set after she has officially become a wave finder. The music is nice. Some songs, I could've done without. (The rapping verse.. not so much). The art style is different, but not too off-putting. Her interactions with her little sister earned my heart. The Story feels incomplete, clearly a setup for what's to come. Families will enjoy it.
It was a good story line but it didnt have 1 good song in there. Wasnt emotional enough either
The animation and voice acting Was top-notch. I thought the plot was a little difficult for children to follow and overly complicated. I did not see the original, so that may have helped.
It's a cute and visually stunning movie, it hits all the right inspirational and emotional beats. But nothing very complex or nuanced that you need to chew on. Great if you're looking for a kids' movie.